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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic treatment restores function, improves mobility and stability thereby helping the body to reduce the pain. At Shenfield Chiropractic we use a variety of techniques to treat an extensive range of conditions.


With a wealth of experience we have discovered that some patients can have food intolerances and/or emotional stress which can block their physical condition from improving. These need to be treated together with the physical condition.


At Shenfield Chiropractic, we strive to provide the best possible care to our patients. Our clinic is dedicated to helping patients achieve their health goals with our personalised and holistic approach to Chiropractic care.


We offer a variety of treatments, from adjustments to soft tissue massage, which are tailored to the individual patient's needs. Our friendly and experienced team is committed to providing the highest quality care to help you improve your overall wellbeing. Visit us today and let us help you reach your health goals.

Eyal Bouhadna BA DC.
MChiro DC (Master Of Chiropractic) - Anglo European College of Chiropractic.   

Eyal graduated from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic in 2017.


Eyal first discovered Chiropractic after suffering from lower back pain following an injury at a young age. Having seen the difference Chiropractic can make to the quality of people’s lives and the positive results it can have, he decided to study in that field. With a special interest in Biomechanics, Eyal completed a degree in Biology and Diagnostic Radiography, and worked several years as a Radiographer in a hospital before starting his Chiropractic studies.


Eyal has been working in busy clinics in Essex and London for several years, gaining vast experience with a wide variety of conditions and treatment modalities. These have helped thousands of patients feel better and improve their overall well-being. 


Passionate about helping his patients improve their quality of life, Eyal's expertise helps return them to their activities. Outside of work, his interests are playing tennis and swimming which he has also taught. He also loves travelling and spending time with his friends and family.

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